National Security Policy
Indonesia: The Latent Threat
By Eric A. Billings. Mr. Billings is pursuing a Masters Degree in Public Policy at American University, and is a former...
Muslim Rage
By Salim Mansur. Mr. Mansur is a professor of political science at the University of Western Ontario and a syndicated columnist...
Who’s losing Latin America?
Decision Brief No. 06-D 23 2006-05-01 (Washington , D.C.): Millions of illegal immigrants are marching in America 's...
Congress creates new options on Iran: Economic and
Decision Brief No. 06-D 22 2006-04-27 (Washington , D.C.): At a moment when U.S. and world leaders are...
Dragon at the fount of Africa
Fresh off important visits to the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Morocco, Chinese President Hu Jintao is expected to arrive in...
Our rotten intelligenCIA
As the Wall Street Journal observes in a highly informative editorial today, fired CIA officer Mary McCarthy appears to be...
Intelligence failures
Anniversaries are opportunities for reflecting on the year just past. For the U.S. intelligence community - and for the Nation...
Our man Rumsfeld
Suddenly, a hardy perennial of the Washington political hothouse is once again in full bloom. The usual suspects are clamoring...
Ehud Olmert’s ‘Convergence’ Plan
By Caroline B. Glick. Ms. Glick is the Center for Security Policy's Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs. Israel's incoming...
No money for latest U.N. human rights flim-flam
Two weeks ago, the United States took an important stand against the United Nation's record of feckless and contemptuous treatment...
Margo D.B. Carlisle, R.I.P.
The Center for Security Policy Tuesday night lost one of the longest-serving members of its Board of Directors and a...
Nigeria ablaze
By David McCormack It was hoped by many that President Bush's meeting today with Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo augurs a...
The disengagement delusion
Decision Brief No. 06-D 16 2006-03-27 (Washington , D.C.): Today, even more than is usually the case, Israel is...
Sudan’s Chinese guardian
By Fred Stakelbeck Sudan's brutal Islamist President Omar al-Bashir and Chinese President Hu Jintao have become fast friends as of...
No worries for Beijing’s suppression
By Robert T. McLean On March 8, Western investors and the Chinese government came together at the United Nations headquarters...