Iran’s Presidential Election
With Ken Timmerman, Ambassador Yoram Ettinger, Bill Gertz and Fred Fleitz KEN TIMMERMAN, President and CEO of the Foundation for...
Trump’s Evolving Middle East Policy
With Diana West, Dr. Stephen Blank, Harold Rhode, Daniel Horowitz, Dorius Liu DR. STEPHEN BLANK, Senior Fellow for Russia at...
North Korea’s Progress Towards ICBM
With Gordon Chang, Michael Cutler, Benjamin Weingarten and Megan Oprea GORDON CHANG, columnist, World Affairs Journal Blogger, The Daily...
Venezuelan Crisis Requires Immediate Action
Venezuela is facing a major crisis. As in the Arab Spring, Venezuelans have lost fear of a government that is...
Comey is Out
With Joe diGenova, Faith McDonnell, Diana West, Riki Ellison JOE dIGENOVA, Former U.S. Attorney, District of Colombia, Former Chief Counsel...
British Spy Behind the Buzzfeed Dossier Says Contents Unverified
With Nonie Darwish, Rowan Scarborough, Russ Dallen and Bill Gertz NONIE DARWISH, Founder of Arabs for Israel, Senior Fellow at...
Nationalism vs. Globalism
With John Fonte, Diana West, Mark Schneider and Fred Fleitz JOHN FONTE, Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for...
13 reasons why the Russia probes must be expanded
Ample evidence exists of illicit and/or damaging Russian efforts involving the Kremlin’s interference in American governmental operations, domestic politics, the...
Trump Going Easy on China?
With Russ Dallen, Gordon Chang, Suzanne Scholte and John Guandolo GORDON CHANG, Author of The Coming Collapse of China and...
Pyongyang’s EMP Threat
With Adm. James “Ace” Lyons, Paul Coyer, Fred Fleitz and Bill Gertz Adm. JAMES “ACE” LYONS, former Commander-in-Chief of the...
U.S. Must Recover Its Sphere Of Influence In The Western Hemisphere
In the early 1990’s, the idea that the Cold War was over was widespread. The Soviet Union was no longer...
State Department Flip Flop on Iran?
With Fred Fleitz, Diana West, Mark Schneider and Harold Rhode FRED FLEITZ, Senior Vice President for Policy and Programs at...
Restoring Deterrence
With Tom Rogan, Patrick Dunleavy and Kevin Freeman JIM HANSON, Executive Vice President of the Center for Security Policy: New...
Tillerson’s Trip to Moscow
With Benjamin Weingarten, Dan Cadman, Leon Aron and Bill Gertz BENJAMIN WEINGARTEN, Founder and CEO of Change Up Media LLC:...
Throwing Out the Old Map
With Jim Hanson, Patrick Poole, Megan Oprea and Kevin Freeman JIM HANSON, Executive Vice President of the Center for Security...