Venezuelan President Chavez and Belarusian dictator Lukashenko have become strategic partners, recently announcing a joint front against the U.S., which they identify as the leading enemy to defeat in their crusade against market economies and representative democracies. An analysis of why this partnership could represent a real threat to the entire western hemisphere.


  • Free-trade deals critical, Rice says.
  • Costa Rica approves CAFTA. "Yes" victory in Costa Rica viewed as defeat for Chávez.
  • Peru: Keiko Fujimori says her father is treated like a convicted criminal. Peru ‘s terror group "Shining Path" Gaining Ground. Southern Perú Cooper Corporation Workers End 8-day Strike.
  • Argentina: Cristina Kirchner rejects "neo-liberal" economics. Argentina first lady defends official inflation data.
  • Ecuador: Correa demands 99% of profits from oil companies. Ecuador Correa Overhauling Cabinet to encourage "People’s Revolution."
  • IMPORTANT: Venezuela walks the path towards socialism. Venezuela ‘s Chavez announces plans for ‘collective property.’ Chávez swore in electoral taskforce for referendum for new Constitution. Venezuela: Chavez imposes crazy and strict "moral code." European Union backs Chávez-FARC talks. IAPA charges the Venezuelan government with boycott of meeting. Colombia-Venezuela to Open Pipeline. IAB demands restitution of signal to RCTV.
  • Uribe: no answer to Chávez’s request to take a messenger to the FARC.
  • Brazil Hosts Bank of South Meeting.
  • Aide to Guatemalan Presidential Candidate Shot Dead.

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