China Must End its “Unrestricted Warfare” Against Us

The Chinese Communist Party evidently thinks President Trump is bluffing in declaring he’ll ramp up tariffs on its imports this Friday. The real question is not so much whether that threat will prompt its negotiators to promise significant and structural concessions in this week’s trade talks, or even whether they will actually be fulfilled.

Rather, the issue is whether a trade deal will end Communist China’s “unrestricted warfare” against the United States – or simply buy Beijing time to continue and intensify it. Given the dramatic expansion of the PRC’s military capabilities, its economic power plays and the imperial infrastructure it is building world-wide, the answer seems obvious.

President Trump is right to turn up the pressure on the PRC. It must not be eased, however, as long as Communist China remains a present – and growing – danger.

This is Frank Gaffney.  Learn more at

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