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With Dr. Lawrence Sellin, Diana West, Trevor Loudon and Bill Marshall

DR. LAWRENCE SELLIN, Author of Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution, Retired Colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve, Veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq:

  • China’s involvement in Afghanistan-Pakistan talks
  • Coordinated efforts between China, Pakistan and Afghanistan

DIANA WEST, Nationally Syndicated Columnist, Blogs at, Author of “Death of the Grown Up” and “American Betrayal”:

  • Brutal attacks against Judge Kavanaugh
  • Political warfare in the US

TREVOR LOUDON, Creator of the documentary The Enemies Within (September 2016), Author of Barack Obama and the Enemies Within (2011) and The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress, Author of Burn This Book: What Keith Ellison Doesn’t Want You to Know: A Radial Marxist-Islamist, His Associations and Agenda(2018):

  • Exposing the truth about Rep. Keith Ellison
  • Significance of recognizing domestic enemies

BILL MARSHALL Has been an intelligence analyst and investigator in the government, the private sector, and the non-profit sector for 30 years, Senior Investigator for Judicial Watch:

  • Implications of the Democratic Socialists of America
  • The deep state operating against President Trump

Secure Freedom Radio

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