With Andy McCarthy, Kevin Freeman and Russ Dallen

ANDY MCCARTHY, Contributing Editor of National Review, Senior Fellow at National Review Institute, Former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York:

  • Charges against NYC attack terrorist
  • An overview of racketeering laws regarding enterprise


  • Effectiveness of President Trump’s travel moratorium
  • Can lower courts obstruct the travel ban?
  • Dangers of claiming Sharia Supremacism is a strain of Islam
  • Why we should only use a Special Council when it is absolutely necessary

KEVIN FREEMAN, Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy, Founder of Globaleconomicwarfare.com, Author of “Game Plan: How to Protect Yourself from the Coming Cyber-Economic Attack,” and “Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Brought Down the U.S. Stock Market and Why It Can Happen Again”:

  • Chinese strategic hacking of American companies
  • The latest takeaway that we are in a global cyber-economic war
  • UAE based sovereign wealth fund- Mubadala

RUSS DALLEN, President & Editor in Chief at the Latin American Herald Tribune, Head of the international investment bank, Caracas Capital Markets, Served as President of Venezuela’s “The Daily Journal”:

  • Problematic agreement between Maduro and ‘Cystrallex’
  • Venezuela remains on the brink of bankruptcy
  • Will Honduras incumbent be defeated?
Secure Freedom Radio

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