Commander in Chief vs. Nuclear Forces

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Rep. Fleming warns of the damage Pres. Obama’s hostility towards the US nuclear deterrent is doing

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“It seems our government has paid more attention to spying on its own citizens, and not putting the effort into finding out more intel about our potential adversaries,” warned Congressman John Fleming (LA-4) on Thursday’s Secure Freedom Radio.

Fleming, a member of the HASC Strategic Forces subcommittee, expressed frustration with President Obama’s disdain for the US nuclear arsenal, which the Congressman believes is unwise in the face of strong evidence that Russia and China are laboriously strengthening their own nuclear fleets.

“Regardless of the growing threats when it comes to nuclear weapons from our potential adversaries, this president seems committed to zeroing down our nuclear capability,” he said.

Fleming argued that President Obama’s criticism of the American nuclear deterrent bears much responsibility for recent scandals involving the US Navy and Air Force nuclear forces.

Speaking specifically about Louisiana’s Barksdale Air Force Base, which experienced controversies of its own several years ago, he praised the “very high caliber people” now running operations there. He cautioned, however, “when you have an administration happy to cut a trillion dollars out of our military budget, that does not see nuclear security as a high priority, I really have to worry about the future deterioration.”

Fleming, who sits on the Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee of the House Natural Resources Committee, also spoke briefly about the danger an EMP threat poses to America’s electrical grid, and the catastrophic damage it would cause to a society so dependent on technology.

“This administration has had a war on anything that contains carbon. There’s no way we’re going to survive in the future…simply on sunlight and wind.”

Secure Freedom Radio

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