Converging Interests and Shared Values: The U.S.-Japan Bilateral Alliance Enters the 21 st Century

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An alliance transformed?

In June 2006, Prime Minister Koizumi made his final visit to the White House before leaving office. At the meeting the most recent SCC agreement was released, and it emphasized that the US-Japan alliance “represented one of the most accomplished bilateral relationships in history.”36 After more then a decade adrift, the legal framework for reformulating the strategic alliance between the two nations has been formally established. Japan, although at first questioning the practicality of the alliance after the end of the Cold War, has come to recognize a number of growing security threats and the necessity of a strong bilateral relationship.  Conversely, the United States, specifically after September 11th, turned to Japan as a strong beacon of democracy that could be an ally in its quest to create “a balance of power in favor of freedom.” Although converging interests have again brought the two nations together, the friendship between President Bush and Prime Minister Koizumi cannot go unrecognized. With Prime Minister Abe succeeding Koizumi in September 2006, and a new US President taking office in January 2009, serious questions concerning the future of the alliance will be left to new leaders to answer. The ability of these leaders to continue to strengthen the alliance, and for Prime Minister Abe to help his country embrace a more “normal” international role for his country, will have an important impact on the security of both nations and the future stability of both Asia and the international community.




1  Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000, (New York: Random House, 1987).

2  Derek McDougall, Asia Pacific in World Politics. (United Kingdom: Lynne Rienner Publishing, 2007), 102-103.

3  McDougall, 105.

4 McDougall, 105.

5 Jasper Becker, Rogue Regime: Kim Jong Il and the Looming Threat of North Korea. (New York: Oxford, 2005), 165-168.

6 Matake Kamiya, “Reforming the US-Japan Alliance: What Should be Done?,” EDITED IN (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003), 91-93.

7 May Lee, “Okinawans writhe under U.S. presence”, CNN, September 28, 1995,

<>  (March 25 2007).

8 McDougall, 105.

9 McDougall, 106.

10 Dan Blumenthal, “The Revival of the US-Japan Alliance,” American Enterprise Institute, February 25, 2005, <,pubID.22027/pub_detail.asp > (March 21 2007).

11 Ibid.

12 Don Kirk, “Fear Over North Korean Launch Prompts Call for Missile Shield: Japan Weighs Stiffer Posture,” International Herald Tribune, <> (March 31, 2007).

13 Ibid.

14 James Schoff, “Transforming of the US-Japan Alliance,” The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, Winter 2007, <> (March 26, 2007).

15 Dan Blumenthal, “Japan: A Liberal, Nationalist Defense Transformation,” American Enterprise Institute, December 17, 2005, <> (March 1, 2007).

16 “New Guidelines for the Future Japan’s Future Security and Defense,” Embassy of Japan, December 21, 2004, <> (March 31, 2007).

17 Duncan Currie, “The other special relationship: Koizumi goes out on a limb for Bush,” Weekly Standard, December 20, 2004, <> (April 1, 2007).

18 “The Constitution of Japan,” <> (April 1, 2007).

19 “Japan-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress,” Congressional Research Service, August 7, 2006, <> (March 20, 2007).

20 “The Revival of the US-Japan Alliance.”

21 “Japan-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress.”

22 “Japan must change Constitution to change nation: Abe,” The Japan Times, May 3, 2007, <> (June 16, 2007).

23 Christopher Griffin, “Pacific Arms Race,” Armed Forces Journal, February 2007, <> (March 25, 2007).

24 Jim Garamone, “Canada, Australia, U.K. Sign Joint Strike Fighter Agreements,” Canadian Free Press, <> (March 25, 2007).

25 Christopher Griffin, “Transforming the Alliance,” Armed forces Journal, December 2007, <> (March 26, 2007).

26 “Japan, US sign defense pact,” BBC News, December 17, 2004, <> (March 25 2007).

27 Anthony Faiola, “U.S., Japan to Start Deploying Missile Interceptors,” Washington Post, July 26, 2006, <> (March 20, 2007).

28 Katherine Shrader, “North Korea Arms Trade Seen As Threat,” Washington Post, October 12, 2006, <> (March 25, 2007).

29 “The Proliferation Security Initiative,” US Department of State, June 2004, <> (April 1, 2007).

30 “Exercise Team Samurai,” Global Security, <> (April 1, 2007).

31 “Joint Statement: US-Japan Security Consultive Committee,” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Japan, February 19, 2005, <> (March 21, 2007).

32 “President Bush sworn-in to Second Term,” The White House, January 20, 2005, <> (March 25, 2007).

33 “Transformation and Realignment for the Future,” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, October 29, 2005, <> (March 21, 2007).

34 Christopher Griffin, “A blossoming relationship,” Armed Forces Journal, February 2006, <> (March 25, 2007).

35 “Japan-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress,” 10.

36 “Joint Statement: The Japan-US Alliance of the New Century,” The White House, June 29, 2006, <> (March 27, 2007).

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