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ADMINISTRATION (FY1991) CENTER VIEWS ASAT Seeks $207 m for kinetic system Strongly support request N.B. The Center believes that the Nation’s urgent need to deter Soviet attacks on U.S.
satellites and to deny Moscow a sanctuary in space from which to command terrestrial
attacks dictates the swiftest possible deployment of an ASAT system. These
considerations, coupled with intractable verification problems, also require that the
United States eschew ASAT arms control initiatives. Intermediate-Range Nuclear Lance Follow-on Seeks $120 m in R&D Recommend level-of effort funding be
to preserve option to proceed F-15E Cancels program (involves +$303 m in
termination costs) Preserve line until follow-on Advanced
Tactical Fighter (ATF) is in production Sea Lance Cancels R&D program (-$156 m) Maintain at least level-of-effort funding
for Navy’s only tactical nuclear weapon
development program Nuclear Weapons Production & Testing Nuclear Infrastructure Modern production capability not assured;
R&D cut Return balance between safety &
swiftly restore viable
production capacity; increase R&D N.B. In view of the requirements for maintaining effective nuclear deterrent forces in the
foreseeable future, the Center opposes further testing limitations beyond those
contained in the TTBT and PNET. General Purpose & Mobility Forces Carrier battle groups Seeks 14 carrier BGs; crucial power
projection force Strongly support request AEGIS cruisers Seeks $3.7 b for 5 ships Stretch out procurement by funding
four, saving $1.3 b Fast Sealift Ships Transfers congressionally mandated funds
(-$592 m) Deny transfer; need for such maritime lift
will increase greatly as U.S. forces
brought home V-22 Osprey Cancels (-$1.4 b) Termination decision must be reversed
to permit acquisition of this technology for
both military and civilian purposes F-14D Cancels (-$469 m) Maintain line until ATF (or other follow-on) enters production ATA Classified Accelerate production decision so as to
minimize gap in Navy attack aircraft
acquisition ATF Classified Promptly clarify prospects for joint
if Navy fighter needs to be met
by unique program, get on with it C-17 Seeks $1.2 b for 6 aircraft Support request as essential for
redeploying CONUS-based forces globally AH-64 Helicopter Cancels (-$682 m) Maintain line until LHX or other
substitute is in production Phoenix Missile Cancels (-$333 m) Maintain line until alternative is in
Center for Security Policy

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