Czech Parliament writes to Chavez on RCTV

In this week’s report, we publish a letter written by 41 Czech MPs to President Hugo Chavez (June 6 th), requesting that he not shut down RCTV. This document follows other similar declarations by the European Parliament, the U.S. Senate, the Chilean Senate and the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights.

ArtC-culo: " Carta enviada por el Parlamento Checo a Hugo Chavez sobre el cierre de RCTV."

A continuacian les presentamos una carta que le escribieron 41 diputados checos al presidente Hugo Chavez (6 de junio), en la que le piden que reconsidere su decisiC3n de cerrar RCTV. Esta declaracion se suma a las pronunciadas en dC-as pasados por El Parlamento Europeo, el Senado de los Estados Unidos, el Senado de Chile y la Comision Interamericana para los Derechos Humanos. Por lo tanto, les pedimos su colaboracion para distribuirla.


  • Latin America Disturbingly Silent on Venezuela (commentary).
  • Andean Summit Opens in Bolivia.
  • Evo Morales visits Fidel Castro. Bolivian Government Takes Control of Two Oil Refineries.
  • Brazil: Lula troubled by corruption.
  • Chavez orders supporters to give up extra possessions. Chavez-Brazil rift: dispute over Mercosur membership. Even off air, Venezuela’s RCTV goes on. Chavez visits Castro. Venezuela : 20 Percent Inflation Rate. Students and Journalists continue with protests over RCTV.
  • Ecuadorian President embraces Bank of the South. Business sector wary of Ecuador’s Correa.
  • Nicaragua: President Visits Iran to Ink Deals.
  • U.S. Helping Latin American Businesses.
  • Colombia: FARC reject government plan to release hundreds of jailed guerrillas.  Uribe in the United States to discuss FTA.

View the full version of the Americas Report (PDF)

Ver la versiC3n completa del Informe de AmC)ricas (PDF)

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