Dead man shuffling

Last night, Tucker Carlson announced a death watch for the Biden presidency. In one of the most insightful, and pathetic, video clips in American political history, he showed the President of the United States being shunned by former President Barack Obama and, God help us, future President Kamala Harris – and everybody else – at a recent White House event.
Think of it as “dead man shuffling.”
Tucker not only confirmed what I said here ten days ago: “Joe must go.” He powerfully showed that to now be the consensus in partisan Democratic circles.
The chilling prospect of Kamala ascending and/or the curtain being pulled back on what is effectively Obama’s third term demands an urgent effort to identify and recruit a non-partisan vice president, someone of real accomplishment, with a robust national security background and who will promise not to run in 2024.
This is Frank Gaffney.
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