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With Fred Fleitz, Rick Fisher, Samuel Bendett, Katherine Zimmerman

FRED FLEITZ, Senior Vice President for Policy and Programs at the Center for Security Policy, former CIA Analyst:

  • How the ObamaBomb deal is ending previous nuclear non-proliferation treaties
  • Possible response by Tehran to Congress rejecting lifting of sanctions
  • Russian and Iranian hegemonic power in the Middle East
  • America’s role in defeating ISIS

RICK FISHER, Senior Fellow In Asian Military Affairs at the International Assessment and Strategy Center:

  • China’s reaction to the US Navy navigating in the South China Sea
  • Beijing’s military actions against neighboring countries
  • The Communist Party’s hostility towards western democracy
  • Comparison between communist China and the former Soviet Union

SAMUEL BENDETT, Business Development Strategist with Cherokee Nation Technology Solutions:

  • Update on the Ukrainian-Russian conflict
  • Russia’s attempts to rebuild the former USSR
  • Moscow’s next step in the Ukraine

KATHERINE ZIMMERMAN, Research Fellow and lead Al Qaeda Analyst at the American Enterprise Institute:

  • Current state of affairs in Yemen’s civil war
  • Desires of the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen
  • Al Qaeda’s growing threat to the Arabian Peninsula
  • Likelihood of AQAP and ISIS cooperation
Secure Freedom Radio

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