Did Hunter sell Joe’s classified documents – and, if so, to whom?


Former Vice President Mike Pence is the latest politician found to have classified documents in his home, fueling a renewed effort to downplay the significance of Joe Biden’s mishandling of such materials. What contradicts the spinning is fresh, if circumstantial, evidence that the President’s son, Hunter, shared a secret State Department paper to get hired by a Ukrainian oligarch.

New York Post columnist Miranda Devine discovered on Hunter’s notorious laptop an email he sent his prospective employer. It contained an apparent official analysis of U.S. policy options for possible sanctions against Ukraine.

Congressional investigators will need to explore whether Joe Biden not only illegally retained and stored such a classified document, but shared it with his son to advance their family’s pay-to-play influence operations. And even more concerning: Was other, highly sensitive information shared with Hunter’s friends in Chinese intelligence?

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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