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With Rep. Brian Babin, Fred Fleitz, Dr. Ben Carson, Rick Fisher, Bill Gertz

Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36) Member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology and former airborne artilleryman in the U.S Army:

  • Introduction of the Resettlement Accountability National Security Act (H.R. 3314)
  • Improbability of vetting Muslim refugees fleeing the Middle East
  • Congress’ failure to address the refugee resettlement process in the U.S.

FRED FLEITZ, Senior Vice President for Policy and Programs at the Center for Security Policy, former CIA analyst:

  • Post-mortem on the Congressional Iran Deal debate
  • McConnell’s approach to confronting Senate Democrats “covering their tracks”
  • Presidential candidates and changes or non-changes they would make to the Iran agreement
  • Will this deal actually restrict global proliferation?

Dr. BEN CARSON, 2016 Presidential Candidate and retired Johns Hopkins University Neurosurgeon:

  • What is the global jihad, and how do we defeat it?
  • How should the U.S. respond to the ObamaBomb Deal?
  • Carson’s opposition to the War in Afghanistan

RICK FISHER, Senior Fellow of Asian Military Affairs at the International Assessment and Strategy Center:

  • President Obama’s recent remarks criticizing China’s cyber efforts
  • China’s attempts to control the Internet globally
  • Recent military parade in Beijing a warning to the West
  • Continuous island build up in the South China Sea

BILL GERTZ, Senior Editor of the Washington Free Beacon:

  • S. Navy’s legitimization of China’s islands in the South China Sea
  • President Obama’s recent policy shift regarding China
  • Russian hackers penetrating the American electrical grid
  • USS Wyoming’s message to Moscow
  • Ash Carter’s warning of the politicization of the intelligence community
Secure Freedom Radio

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