Don’t Perpetuate Obama’s Enabling of Cuban Threats

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President Trump is expected today to dismantle another odious piece of the Obama foreign policy “legacy.”  In a speech in Miami, Mr. Trump reportedly will walk back some – but, unfortunately, not all – of the concessions by his predecessor that have provided life-support to the island’s Communist Castro regime.

Importantly, President Trump will disallow business deals with most – but, again, not all – of the vast array of enterprises run by the still-deeply and -dangerously hostile Cuban military.

We can only hope that, while he’s at it, Mr. Trump will also shred another reckless part of President Obama’s bequest with respect to Cuba – namely, his order to the U.S. intelligence community to share classified information with its counterparts in Havana.

Such Obama policies simply perpetuate threats to the national security interests of the United States – and must not be allowed to stand.


Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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