Don’t reward the Taliban for killing our servicemen

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Last night, President Trump and Vice President Pence joined bereaved loved ones in witnessing the return from Afghanistan of two fallen soldiers.  One family member, overcome by emotion had to be restrained as she rushed the plane bearing the heroes’ remains.

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Last night, President Trump and Vice President Pence joined bereaved loved ones in witnessing the return from Afghanistan of two fallen soldiers.  One family member, overcome by emotion had to be restrained as she rushed the plane bearing the heroes’ remains.

This searing episode will likely intensify the President’s understandable desire to prevent any further US losses in America’s longest war– even if that means agreeing to terms in ongoing negotiations with the Taliban that will effectively surrender Afghanistan to that terrorist group responsible for killing and maiming so many of our servicemen and women. 

There is an alternative: Use volunteer veterans willing to help Afghanistan’s military improve its combat effectiveness and use a proven counter-insurgency strategy known as CORDS to enable its people to secure and defend their communities.

Let’s honor our fallen by ensuring they have not died in vain.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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