Ecuador’s reforms: in the footsteps of Chavez

This past September Ecuadorians went to the polls and voted for a constituent assembly whose function it will be to write a new constitution. The new constitution is scheduled to be written within 180 days of the September 30th election. The Assembly has been given full powers, and since the overwhelming majority of Assembly members belong to Correa’s party, members of the assembly will likely adopt principles that will follow Correa’s dictates and wishes. Many observers agree that the constitution Correa is pursuing will follow the Venezuelan model. An analysis of Ecuador’s worrisome situation.

Articulo en español publicado 1ro de Noviembre, 2007: "El Gran error del Congreso Americano con respecto a Colombia podría significar el triunfo de Chávez."

Para leer el artículo, porfavor abrir el attachment. (PDF)


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  • Iran, Cuba to form shipping company.
  • Venezuela ‘s Chavez to Press Ahead with Changes, despite violent Protests. Venezuela police clash with students protesting constitutional reforms. Property under state control. Former Minister of Defense Raúl Isaías Baduel: Tell "no" to Chávez’ reform. Chávez: "Baduel is just another traitor." Baduel does not rule out entering the political arena. Chávez: FARC’s envoys are in Venezuela. Hostages’ relatives hopeful about Chávez-FARC meeting. Andean Community to address Venezuela’s return. Venezuela to Issue $1.5 Billion Bonds, Introduce New Currency in 2008.
  • Colombia: FARC-Chávez meeting should not be a "social gathering."
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  • Venezuela allegedly funding trade union rally and ALBA offices in Peru. Peru: Authorities to Explain Terrorist Attack on Police Station in Apurímac.
  • Interpol issues arrest warrants to Iranians involved in the 1994 AMIA bombing.

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Center for Security Policy

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