With Daniel Gallington, Rachelle Peterson and Daniel Horowitz

DAN GALLINGTON, Senior Policy and Program Advisor, George C. Marshall Institute, Served in senior national security policy positions in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Department of Justice, and as bipartisan general counsel for the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence:

  • Dissecting the two articles of impeachment
  • Debunking the Democrat’s impeachment narrative
  • The current state of the anti-Trump conspiracy


  • Analyzing the efforts to mislead the FISA court
  • An overview of the findings in the recently released IG report
  • Politicization of US intelligence agencies

RACHELLE PETERSON, Director of Research Projects at the National Association of Scholars, Policy Advisor for the Heartland Institute:

  • Dangers of Confucius Institutes on US college campuses
  • China continues to wage ideological warfare against the US
  • What DOD policies have led to the closure of Confucius institutes?

DANIEL HOROWITZ, Senior Editor at Conservative Review, Author of its “The Conservative Consciousness with Daniel Horowitz, Former Policy Director for the Madison Project, Author of Stolen Sovereignty: How to Stop Unelected Judges from Transforming America:

  • President Trump passes annual Omnibus Bill
  • Implications of the current US amnesty policy
  • Consequences of the increase of crime, violence and homelessness in America

Secure Freedom Radio

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