FMLN victory would trigger US restriction of remittances to El Salvador

Washington, D.C.:  Against the backdrop of a growing chorus of warnings from Capitol Hill, the Center for Security Policy has concluded that a victory by the terrorist-tainted FMLN party in El Salvador’s elections this weekend will compel the U.S. government to restrict remittances to that country.

Given the party’s murder of American military personnel, its past and present ties to terrorist groups, its alliance with various terrorist-sponsoring regimes and its leaders’ public “celebration” of al Qaeda’s attacks on our country in 2001, the FMLN’s take-over of El Salvador would trigger legislation that would proscribes the transfer of funds to the former-ally-turned-turned-terrorist-adversary.

The Center’s President, Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., a former senior official in the Reagan Defense Department and internationally recognized counter-terrorism expert, observed:

“Images of FMLN vice presidential candidate Salvador Sanchez Ceren celebrating al Qaeda’s murder of nearly 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001 are too vivid and repugnant to be forgotten, or forgiven.  Matters are made worse by the admission of FMLN presidential candidate Mauricio Funes that he does not control his party– the former terrorist—comandantes– do. Those people have American blood on their hands.”

Gaffney added:  “Under U.S. law enacted following the al Qaeda attacks of September 11, 2001, the federal government is authorized to limit the flow of cash to countries whose governments support terrorism.  The effect of such a cut-off on the economy and people of El Salvador would be profound and regrettable– but unavoidable if terrorists, their sympathizers and their enablers are able to drive that key Central American nation into the ranks of Hugo Chavez’s puppet states.

“This is not a policy we want.  We are great supporters of a free El Salvador, and have been since the FMLN was trying to murder its way into power a generation ago. It is, nonetheless, a policy our government will have to implement if we are to limit the ability of allies of terrorists to raise money.  Staunch friends of all the Salvadoran people pray that they will not succumb to the blandishments of an FMLN party that will, if given power, inevitably inflict grave hardship on them and their families and make their nation a pariah among freedom-loving nations.”


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Center for Security Policy

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