Follow the Oil: After Anchorage, China Will Make Iran Its Gas Station if America Turns a Blind Eye

Oil pump jacks at sunset sky background. Toned.
Originally published by The National Interest
If the United States is no longer rigorously enforcing sanctions, then Iran’s glut of deeply-discounted oil represents an attractive and ready source, and China can groom the Islamic Republic to function as its gas station with impunity.
Following on the heels of the fraught encounter with Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in Anchorage last weekend, one of The People’s Republic of China’s top diplomats, Yang Wi, is on the move again—this time to Tehran. Yang’s travel schedule is hardly an accident; it is only the first of what are sure to be a host of unintended consequences that will dog the new Biden administration in the wake of their first direct engagement with the PRC.
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