Former lefties attack anti-war movement for hidden pro-Saddam Hussein agenda

The growing movement against the military ouster of Saddam Hussein is coming under increasing attack, not just from conservatives but from former lefties – some of whom still consider themselves men of the Left – who have been denouncing anti-war organizers for having hidden agendas.

Christopher Hitchens quit The Nation over it. Jonathan Chait of the New Republic, Ron Rosenbaum of the New York Observer, and philosopher Michael Walzer have written stinging rebukes of the leaders of an impending war against the Iraqi regime – with some of them even attacking the fellow-travelers and mainstreamers who participate in the demonstrations.

To chronicle the development of domestic opposition to the war on terrorism, this Website has a new feature, the “‘Peace’ Movement” page, accessible through the navigation button at the upper left.

Atlantic editor Michael Kelly has noted the defections from the Left in a recent Washington Post essay titled, “Marching with Stalinists.” Kelly described the organizers, gathering under a banner called ANSWER, as “a front group for the communist Workers World Party” which supports the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China, the Saddam Hussein regime, and the government of North Korea. He also said it has supported Yugoslavian war criminal Slobodan Milosevic, the mullahs of Iran, “the narco-gangsters of Colombia and the bus-bombers of Hamas.”

Is the core of the ‘anti-war’ movement being funded by hostile foreign sources? That’s something the feds should look into right away.

Center for Security Policy

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