Full Disclosure for the Democrats’ House IT Scandal

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A Pakistani expatriate whose family members provided information technology services to twenty or more Democratic members of the House of Representatives was arrested this week as he tried to flee the U.S.

Evidently, such IT support roles allowed Imram Awan and his relatives to gain access to sensitive information about their employers, some of whom were assigned to the Intelligence, Homeland Security, Armed Services and other sensitive congressional committees.

Until Awan’s arrest, one of those lawmakers with a history of bad computer hygiene, Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, continued employing – and protecting – him. She has now, finally, fired Awan.

Awan’s lawyer claims he’s a victim of “Islamophobia.” The available evidence suggests, however, that – if anything – the fact that Awan and his team are Muslims afforded them preferential treatment that may have compromised legislators and, perhaps, the national security.

The truth must out, now.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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