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The Obama administration has finally responded to the intensifying meltdown of the rabidly anti-American regime in Venezuela. Until now, the narco-trafficking leftists in Caracas have been largely given a pass for their repression at home and subversion abroad.

But yesterday, Team Obama demonstrated that enough was enough. It announced an executive order imposing sanctions on Venezuela. Well, actually, it imposed sanctions on seven Venezuelan individuals.

This appears to be a new milestone for a U.S. president best known for doing the minimum possible when it comes to anything useful in international affairs. The odious, Cuban-backed Chavista government of Nicholás Maduro is in trouble – not thanks to us –  but due to its incompetence and the plunge in oil prices. Now is the time for real and comprehensive American sanctions and other help for Venezuelans yearning for freedom.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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