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With Fred Fleitz, Amb. Yoram Ettinger, Nolan Peterson, Joe Guzzardi

FRED FLEITZ, Senior Vice President at the Center for Security Policy, and former CIA analyst:

  • How the nuclear deal will legitimize the Iranian regime
  • Likelihood that Obama’s deal with Iran will pass on Capitol Hill
  • Presidential candidates’ views on the nuclear deal
  • Verifiability of the nuclear agreement

Amb. YORAM ETTINGER, formerly the Minister for Congressional Affairs to Israel’s Embassy in Washington, DC:

  • Defining “Stage One Policy Thinking”
  • Obama administration efforts to establish an Iranian hegemony in the Middle East
  • Legitimizing the regime in Tehran
  • Should American Jews support President Obama’s nuclear talks with Iran?

NOLAN PETERSON, foreign correspondent at The Daily Signal

  • An insider account of the so-called “ceasefire” in Eastern Ukraine
  • Vast financial backing and technical expertise of the pro-Russian Separatist forces
  • Deterring Putin’s aggression against the rest of Eastern Europe and the Baltic states
  • Dangerous flash-points possible between Russia and NATO

JOE GUZZARDI, Media Director and Senior Writing Fellow at Californians for Population Stabilization:

  • How the recent tragedy in San Francisco puts the spotlight on the controversial idea of “sanctuary cities”
  • Using California as a case study in illegal immigration trends
  • Evidence for a correlation between illegal immigration and California’s historic drought
  • A pair of dangerous bills currently in the California State Legislature
Secure Freedom Radio

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