Iranian missile test underscores need for missile defense

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On Wednesday, Reuters reported that the Islamic Republic of Iran "carried out a field test of the latest version of its Shahab-3 medium-range ballistic missile which defense experts say can reach Israel or U.S. bases in the Gulf."

According to Reuters, "Iran says its missile program is purely for deterrent purposes." But this same news report noted that "six of the sand-colored missiles, bearing slogans which said ‘We will stamp on America’ and ‘We will wipe Israel from the face of the earth,’ were displayed at an annual military parade last September."

In related news, The London Daily Telegraph reported on Wednesday that Iran has "issued a list of demands to Britain and other European countries, telling them to provide advanced nuclear technology, conventional weapons and a security guarantee against nuclear attack by Israel." The Mullahs went so far as to demand that Europe "support Tehran’s quest for ‘advanced [nuclear] technology, including those with dual use.’"

In light of these developments, and the equally disturbing advances in North Korea’s ballistic missile and nuclear capabilities, President Bush should be commended for repeatedly calling attention to America’s vulnerability to ballistic missile attack from rogue regimes and for demanding a speedy course correction.

Center for Security Policy

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