Its About Time Trump Fired FBI Director Comey

As someone who held high-level security clearances for 25 years — including 19 years with the CIA — I’m very happy President Trump fired James Comey.  This should have happened on Mr. Trump’s first day in office.

I would have been fired and prosecuted if I committed a small fraction of the security violations that Comey accused Clinton and her team of committing in a press conference last July.  He really made it look like security rules don’t apply to everyone.  I urge readers to read the transcript of his July 5, 2016 press conference to familiarize themselves with Clinton’s gross violations that he cited but recommended she not be prosecuted for — click HERE to read.

Clinton violated the law on how she handled classified information over and over again.  Her private email server was a deliberate effort to evade the Federal records act and keep her work-related emails out of the reach of Congress and FOIA requests.  In addition, the Clinton Foundation pay for play scandal was never investigated.

If Comey was doing his job, he would have called for Clinton to be prosecuted over these matters last summer.  The only reason Clinton was a competitive presidential candidate is because James Comey gave her a pass on her serious violations of the law.

Bravo, Mr. President.

Fred Fleitz

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