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President Trump has signaled recently both that he has lost confidence in Attorney General Jeff Sessions and that he holds Mr. Sessions in high regard. Which is it?

Jeff Sessions deserves the President’s affection and confidence.  He is, quite simply, the best member of the Trump Cabinet.  He’s the most loyal, and the one most successfully implementing the President’s agenda.

Consequently, Mr. Trump must not terminate Mr. Sessions’ tenure as A.G. at this juncture.  That would simply create an opening at Justice that would be filled temporarily by Rod Rosenstein – the source of the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller that has the President so vexed with General Sessions.  Any real successor will inevitably be hung up by Senate Democrats for months.

Donald Trump’s supporters want and expect Jeff Sessions to be kept on the job, not wrongfully put out to pasture.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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