The day after President Trump eliminated Qasem Soleimani, the world’s most dangerous terrorist, China announced that it was putting an official with a self-described record of “cleaning up the political ecology” on the mainland in charge of its operations in Hong Kong.

Luo Huining’s  installation seemed sudden, perhaps to exploit the United States’ preoccupation with the aftermath of Soleimani’s killing. Whatever its motivation, entrusting the Hong Kong portfolio at this sensitive time to someone with no background in the territory, but a record as a thuggish enforcer of Xi Jinping’s diktats, is ominous.

While we are understandably focused at last on the fact that Iran is at war with our country and has been for four decades – especially the 22 years Soleimani ran Tehran’s jihadist operations, we must be prepared to hold China accountable should it crack down on Hong Kong. 

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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