Military’s political correctness is no way to win a war

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Is Bill Clinton still president? Consider the following:

– A US army officer saves the lives of his men by forcing an Iraqi terrorist to talk before the Americans are ambushed and murdered. The US Army files a criminal assault charge against him.

– One of the nation’s most senior special operations generals, a Christian soldier if there ever was one, is under official investigation because he went to church in uniform and expressed his religious views.

– A Muslim Brotherhood operative and al Qaeda funder established the military’s Muslim chaplains corps. His group and Saudi-funded entities vet and train Muslim chaplains. His group vetted the Muslim Army chaplain who sympathized with the al Qaeda detainees in Guantanamo. The Pentagon told senators that it won’t investigate the groups or cut them off.

General Jerry Boykin’s religious views were exposed by left-wing columnist Bill Arkin. Arkin’s exposure prompted Hamas mouthpiece Nihad Awad of CAIR to demand the general’s ouster. Awad and Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), one of the most radical members of Congress, teamed up to force General Boykin out of the Pentagon.

Defense Secretary Rumsfeld is standing by the general’s rights, but others in the administration appear ready to cave in to the critics – effectively letting Hamas front-men help purge the top ranks of our anti-terrorism warriors.

That’s no way to win a war, friends.

Center for Security Policy

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