Remember Greg Craig?

Before his recently announced return to the private sector, Craig was White House counsel in the Obama administration, and also the President’s designated point-man on smoothing the way for fulfilling an ill-conceived presidential campaign promise: the closure of the terrorist detention facility at Guantanamo Bay by January 2010. It is widely acknowledged that the "resignation" Craig tendered in November of last year was the result of his failure to manage the difficult politics involved in shutting Gitmo down.

There were numerous indications along the way that Craig had fundamentally misread Congress and the American people on this issue. We were recently reminded of just how bad the miscalculation was: reports indicate that the administration will likely be backing down from the idea of putting 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — currently held in Gitmo — on trial in New York City, because it rightfully believes Congress will not hand over the funds for such a misguided, politically suicidal endeavor.

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Ben Lerner is Director of Policy Operations at the Center.

Ben Lerner

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