Mr. President – Hold the “Gun Violence Industry” Accountable

Donald Trump will convene today another of his trademark White House “listening sessions.”  This one is aimed at exposing a long-neglected, but obviously contributing factor to gun violence among America’s youth.

For far too long, debates about “what to do about guns” – usually precipitated by some horrific mass shooting by psychopathic individuals – have given a pass to those who make billions of dollars desensitizing young people to or otherwise normalizing such murderous behavior. Insult is added to injury when prime-movers behind such cultural conditioning as actor George Clooney step forward to demand new and even unconstitutional controls on firearms.

If, as is his wont, the President allows the rest of us to listen in today, we better hear what might be called the “gun violence industry” acknowledge that it’s part of our present problem – and must be part of the solution.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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