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Donald Trump has decided to boycott tonight’s GOP debate in Iowa over one questioner, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly. Lost in the ensuing controversy has been the inclusion by the sponsors of another woman invited to pose questions to the candidates: a self-described “Muslim political activist” named Nabela Noor.

It seems Ms. Noor has been using her Facebook page to promote Islamic supremacism by accusing non-Muslims of “Islamophobia” and “fear-mongering.” She has also described Mr. Trump as “a bigoted presidential candidate.”

Senator Ted Cruz previously pointed out the absurdity of allowing debates designed to help Republicans pick their nominee to involve questioners palpably hostile to the GOP’s candidates or platform.

It’s outrageous that, in this case, one such questioner will be an Islamist sure to use the occasion to promote her toxic meme of victimhood and alienation.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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