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With Bill Harlow, Diana West, March Thiessen, Dr. Emanuele Ottolenghi

BILL HARLOW, of Bill Harlow Communications and co-author of “Hard Measures,” talks about NSA data collection and the legality of the issue.

DIANA WEST, author of the new book “American Betrayal,” argues that by seeing every American as a potential threat and targeting their privacy through the NSA data-collection program, the government is missing the real threat of radical Islamism.

MARC THIESSEN, of the Washington Post and fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, talks about his recent book “Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama Is Inviting the Next Attack” and its relevance to NSA data collection, looking in depth at the legality of connecting the dots between potential terroristsand the recent NSA director’s statements.

DR. EMANUELE OTTOLENGHI, of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies explains the meaning of the Iranian election process and discusses the research he has led on a major covert program of sanctions circumvention by the Iranian auto industry of procuring duel-use systems for its nuclear program for several years.

Secure Freedom Radio

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