North Korea, Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas: Why Sequestration is Still a Huge Problem and It’s Not Going Away

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With Rebeccah Heinrichs, Andy McCarthy, Benjamin Weinthal,  Adam Kredo. Richard Miniter guest hosts.

REBECCAH HEINRICHS of the Heritage Foundation explains that the different mindset with which nations such as Iran and North Korea view the world, and why a misunderstanding of that difference is leading the United States to willingly hollow out its military.

ANDY McCARTHY, former federal prosecutor and author of Spring Fever, talks about the ways in which groups like Hamas use our own civil liberties, such as free speech, against us. He also questions whether Brandenberg v. Ohio (1951) is suitable for dealing with 21st century international threats.

BENJAMIN WEINTHAL, a research fellow at Foundation for Defense of Democracies, discusses the European Union’s reluctance to classify Hezbollah as a terrorist organization

ADAM KREDO, Senior Writer for the Washington Free Beacon, reports on the absurd yet oft-repeated claim made recently by the Palestinian nonprofit group Miftah that the matzah bread eaten during Passover is made with the blood of Christians, and urges listeners to demand that Miftah issue an apology in Arabic.

Secure Freedom Radio

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