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National Public Radio was recently discovered to have helped a donor disinform NPR’s audience about the Iran nuclear “deal.” In so doing, it played a role in a now-acknowledged White House-sponsored domestic propaganda operation.

A similar effort seems to be underway at the moment. National Public Radio is pushing the official spin that Omar Mateen may not have been motivated by his Islamic supremacism to kill and wound scores of homosexuals in Orlando. The proof? He was into controlling things and brutalized his first and second wives.

Of course, anyone familiar with the Islamists’ totalitarian sharia code would recognize domination and abuse of women as symptoms of sharia-adherence, not evidence of other motivations.

President Obama and his subordinates are determined to blind us to the threat sharia’s followers pose to gays – and the rest of us. So, evidently, is National Public Radio.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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