
We’ve witnessed lately the release of a slew of formerly classified documents. Some .of them have shed clarifying light on a long-running campaign to thwart Donald Trump’s election and undermine his presidency.

We’ve witnessed lately the release of a slew of formerly classified documents. Some of them have shed clarifying light on a long-running campaign to thwart Donald Trump’s election and undermine his presidency.

Mr. Trump calls the scandal thus exposed “Obamagate” and asserts that it “makes Watergate look small time.”

The question that defined that earlier, notorious abuse of power must now be asked of Mr. Trump’s predecessor: “What did the President know and when did he know it?”

The recent document dump suggests that Barack Obama was aware of – and, therefore, complicit in – a plot to defeat Donald Trump at the polls and, failing that, to ensure he would not long occupy the White House.

If that proves to be true, Obamagate must end as did Watergate – with the man ultimately responsible and his senior subordinates driven from public life in disgrace.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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