Obama’s Latest ‘Trust-me” Tour

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If it’s Tuesday, President Obama is in another allied capital offering reassurances about America’s steadfastness and reliability. Recently, Asia received his “trust me” tour. This week, it’s the Europeans’ turn.

The Asia version of the reassurance road-show was needed because of Mr. Obama’s abject failure with respect to Russian aggression in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. It prompted fears throughout pro-Western East Asia that he will do no better with Chinese aggression there.

President Obama and his flacks insist that our allies want us to lead them. That may be, but each is increasingly coming up with a fall-back plan. Either they are arming to the teeth or seeking a separate peace with their local hegemons. Whichever, it’s going to bad for us, and a problem for what’s left of the Free World.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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