Peru’s reaction to Venezuelan intervention

On July 26 2007, The Americas Report ran an article entitled: "Chávez’s dangerous intervention in Perú" which described the massive protests that were occurring in different regions of Peru. Analysts are convinced that the demonstrations are being promoted by Venezuelan President, Hugo Chávez. In addition, we described Chavez’s intent on pressuring Peru into joining an alliance with Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia and Nicaragua called the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA). We at The Americas Report decided to talk to specialists in this subject to see what legal measures could be used against this overt intervention of Hugo Chavez in Peruvian internal affairs.


  • Bolivia’s President Criticizes Peru & Promotes Chavez during Stay. Bolivia: rising inflation. Confusion in Bolivia over arrival of Venezuelan military group.
  • Chavez again to the rescue of Argentina’s financial woes. Jews in Argentina wary of nation’s ties to Chávez. Chavez tours Latin America. Chavez hails Cristina Kirchner as Argentina’s next president. Chávez buys $500M in Argentine bonds, wants more.Brazil ‘s Petrobras to exchange technology with Mexico’s Pemex. Lula tour pushes Brazil biofuels.
  • U.S. Congress Representative Charles Rangel Backs Trade Deal in Peru.
  • Chile: Bachelet continues to lose support.
  • Colombia: The FARC reject Uribe’s proposal to release hostages Colombia: The FARC reject Uribe’s proposal to release hostages. Colombia : Ingrid Betancourt to be freed in Venezuela?
  • Nicaragua and Iran Sign Trade Deal with Hugo Chavez’s help. Ortega asks the world to join the crusade of Ghadafi, Chávez and Castro.
  • Ecuador warns Telefonica, Repsol YPF of revisions to contracts, concessions. 

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Center for Security Policy

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