Pro-Totalitarians Demand ‘No USA At All”

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A chant prominently repeated by thugs doing business as “ANTIFA” in Berkeley, California last weekend tells you just about everything you need to know about this purportedly anti-fascist group: “No Trump. No Wall. No USA at all.”

It is no secret that the radical left is violently anti-Trump. Neither is it a surprise that they oppose his promised construction of a barrier to further flows of illegal immigrants across our southern border.

What is remarkable – and evidence of how emboldened this unholy alliance of Marxist-Leninists, anarchists, Islamists and other revolutionaries has become – is the fact that they would openly espouse the termination of the United States of America.

The embrace of what might better be described as PROTOTs – short for pro-totalitarians – by Democrats and the elite media and the submission of establishment Republicans to their demands must end. Before they end America.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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