Prosecuting the perpetrators of the CCP’s “great technology heist”


We recently published a response to the “unrestricted warfare” Chinese Communists have long waged with help from “captured elites” in this country. It’s called, The Indictment: Prosecuting the Chinese Communist Party & Friends for Crimes against America, China and the World.

Yesterday, that prosecution got underway in earnest.

The latest webinar sponsored by our Committee on the Present Danger: China featured two top experts and a former prosecutor who brought criminal “charges” in the court of public opinion against the world’s most successful venture capitalist, Neil Shen, and his firm, Sequoia Capital.

The evidence presented reveals they have betrayed our country by enabling the CCP to secure decisive leads in dozens of technologies that can dominate us commercially and defeat us militarily.

Neil Shen and Company have thus far successfully deployed bipartisan contributions to get away with such treachery. That must end now.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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