It was fascinating to read the conclusions of the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe’s analysis of the recent Hungarian parliamentary elections. It almost seemed like they were doing an analysis of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, especially considering the recent disclosures surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Applying the standards of the OSCE to both elections, you would reach similar conclusions that both were “undermined by absence of level playing field.”

So why is so much of the mainstream media in the U.S. willing to condemn Hungary and its leader Victor Orban, raising many of the same issues highlighted by former President Donald Trump as their case, while dismissing Mr. Trump’s concerns?

Mr. Orban is known for promoting Christianity, borders, families and nationalism. Many in the left political commentariat and mainstream media consider faith and these ideas passe, however, so it’s easy to understand their hypocrisy.

Consider the following conclusions reached by the OSCE monitoring team reviewing the conduct of the Hungarian elections. The OSCE determined:

• The process was marred by the pervasive overlapping of government and ruling coalition’s messaging that blurred the line between state and party, as well as by media bias and opaque campaign funding.

• Biased and unbalanced news coverage permeated the public and many private media outlets, mostly to the benefit of the ruling party.

• The transparency and accountability of campaign finance were adversely affected by the lack of disclosure requirements and extensive, unregulated spending through third parties.

• While political parties and civil society expressed confidence in the accuracy of the voter register, recent legislation weakened important safeguards.

The head of the OSCE Hungarian observer team Kari Henriksen stated, “For voters to be able to make an informed choice, it is fundamental that contestants have equal access to the media and run informative campaigns rather than focus on polarizing messaging and personal attacks.”

Using the same standards, it’s easy to postulate what this same group of people would have concluded if they had been invited in to monitor the 2020 U.S. elections. Let’s sort through the list.

It probably can go without further explanation that the presidential campaign focused on polarizing messaging and personal attacks.

The U.S. elections also saw clear media bias, even more so when considering decisions made by social media companies. At least 119 newspapers endorsed then-candidate Joe Biden while only six endorsed Mr. Trump. A study published by Princeton found that “Twitter’s relatively liberal content may have persuaded voters with moderate views to vote against Donald Trump.” In the case of Hunter Biden’s now-notorious laptop, just two weeks before the election the media called into question the credibility of the laptop, and Twitter and Facebook banned discussion of it or links to the now confirmed original news report.

Read more.

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