Rep. Scott Perry: We have had enough of the U.N.
Congressman Scott Perry represents the 4th District of Pennsylvania.
FRANK GAFFNEY: Welcome back. It is a great privilege and pleasure to have with us a good friend of this program, a man I have come to admire greatly. He is a senior and influential member of the House of Representatives these days. He represents the people of the 4th District of Pennsylvania. He serves on the House Homeland Security committee—in fact, chairs its Oversight Subcommittee—and is a member of the Foreign Affairs committee. In addition to all of that, he is a Brigadier General in the United States Army Reserves. He is, of course, Congressman Scott Perry. Congressman, Happy New Year to you sir, welcome back to Secure Freedom Radio, it is so good to have you.
REP. SCOTT PERRY: Happy New Year to you as well, Frank. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
FRANK GAFFNEY: Thank you, Sir. Let’s talk about your Oversight Subcommittee role. Of course, we were thrilled at the very important hearing you had back in September, looking at this phenomenon of ‘willful blindness’ under the Obama administration concerning the nature of the Muslim Brotherhood and its influence operations, including inside the wire of our government. I am sure you were heartened to hear the Secretary of State designate talking earlier this week, on the Senate side of the Hill, about his determination to go after the Brotherhood. Let’s talk a little bit about all that.
REP. SCOTT PERRY: Well, I think it is important. You don’t have to be in the military or spend time in the military to understand that you must identify your enemy, your adversary, before you can vanquish them. This is standard problem solving in most of our lives: you have to identify the problem before you can solve the problem. And there has been—it looks, at least in appearance I think you would agree, and most people would agree if they look at the facts—there has been a turning of the head by the current administration, by the Obama administration, to organizations and individuals tied to those organizations that wish to subvert the United States government and our freedoms. And that can be found quite easily in what I know you are very familiar with, The Holy Land Foundation investigation files and the evidence gleaned from that which shows that these individuals and organizations—including the Muslim Brotherhood, including the Council on American Islamic Relations and others, operating in and around America—they have a different plan in mind, shall we say, for America, and we want to point out these things because, look, we have finite resources and while we are seeing people being blown up and murdered around the world—and now, in many cases as you know, sadly it has come to America—and where people are searching for answers, many of us say “our resources are stretched thin, and the answer is right in front of us,” and we can’t really abide an administration that has taken an oath to uphold and defend the constitution, among other things, to look the other way when we have individuals tied to organizations that seek to do exactly the opposite. We have a duty, we have an oath that we have taken, and we must proceed forward in that regard.
So, we held a hearing, as you are well aware, and in concert with one similar hearing in the Senate, to flesh these things out and to draw attention to and illuminate the public about what has been going on with their tax dollars and what decisions are being made on their behalf and what the priorities are for these organizations like Homeland Security, where we think that we go about our daily lives—going to work, taking care of our children, and dealing with our problems—we think that the government is trying to protect us from these individuals when, in fact, on too many occasions, they are just turning a blind eye to what these individuals are doing in and around our country and our community.
FRANK GAFFNEY: Yeah, and inside the government as well, as a practical matter. Influencing policy, notably with this whole Countering Violent Extremism project. And Congressman, I know you have been attacked, as have I and others, about focusing on these issues, looking at them as we have, by among others, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and I noticed on your website a photograph of you with a great patriot, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and as you’ve wrestled with these issues, I want to first of all thank you for your leadership in standing up to this kind of, well, character assignation and smearing, but also, secondly, to just say, if in fact the Trump administration is going to turn in a different direction on all of these things, would you anticipate that that probably spells the end for the kind of influence operations that we have seen on the Brotherhood’s part, inside the wire most especially?
REP. SCOTT PERRY: Well we certainly, vehemently, just desperately hope so. How can you sleep well at night thinking that these influence operations are going on unimpeded within the halls of your government and in your community and it is just so invigorating and relieving, quite honestly, to think that there is at least a scintilla of a chance—and hopefully much more based upon the testimony that we have heard—that this is going to end. And, so, we are just invigorated and at this point, you know with what just seven days away now, we are waiting to see what implementation looks like. Talk is talk, but you know, in Washington D.C. a lot of people talk big but we want to see what that implementation, what actions will be taken. And, quite honestly, folks like me—regardless of the character assassination from the intolerant tolerant people—we want to be a part of forging ahead in that, whether it is legislatively or otherwise. And people might say, well, what does that mean? Well, something it means is listing and naming some of these organizations as terrorist organizations. And then, you’d say well they have an office down the street, well that is exactly right, and if you are listed as a terrorist organization that comes with sanctions and provisions which means that maybe your office down the street gets closed because we can’t have these kind of organizations.
I want to put a fine-point on this if I may. You mention the Council on American Islamic Relations. As I think you know, Congressman Scott Perry, we published a very interesting historical document recently called “CAIR is HAMAS” and this is available, by the way folks, for free at which just makes express the fact that this organization, CAIR—the Council on American Islamic Relations—was founded by Hamas. And this was proven in court by the Federal government back in 2008. Congressman, let me switch gears quickly on another topic that I know you have been a leader on on Capitol Hill. A member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, you voted for a resolution recently that condemned what the Obama administration has done—I am fearful they will be doing more of it here shortly—in regards to undermining our friends in Israel. Would you speak about what is already happening and the strategic implications of it as a former war fighter yourself, you know that this is serious business.
REP. SCOTT PERRY: Well listen. As you know and many Americans know, there is only one democratic ally of the United States in the Middle East, and that’s Israel. This is a policy change that has no rival; to allow the Security Council to go ahead and condemn Israel for building homes while at the same time, essentially saying that the killing of innocent people and paying them, as the Palestinian Authority does—with not only Jews but also Americans, and they do the payment with American taxpayer money, as you know Frank—conflating those two as the same thing, it is unconscionable and unbelievable! That having been said, it literally makes some holy sites in Israel off-limits, so to speak, or illegal territory for Jews to attend and for Israel to be, it is absurd!
REP SCOTT PERRY: Right! So, you know, we took action to condemn the administration for its failure to veto that and I think you are going to see more—I think you are going to see a bill shortly, and a companion in the House, to defund the 22% of the United Nations that American taxpayers pay for, until such time as that resolution is rescinded, and I am going to be a full supporter of that. And I think you are going to see more of those types of things.
We have one ally—one Democratic ally—in that region of the world, and there is absolutely no reason to be poking a finger in their eye when we should actually be upholding them and supporting them and standing opposed to tyranny and terrorism whether it is here or anywhere else. And, you know, the U.N. has become an anti-Israel, anti-West, anti-democracy, anti-American organization that taxpayers are forced to pay homage to, and it is absurd. We have had enough. Look, the only silver lining might be that this wakes America up and the American citizens up to what has been happening there, when we finally take our taxes and our pride back and just say we have had enough. Get out, we are not doing it anymore!
FRANK GAFFNEY: Well said, sir. If it were just homage we were paying, that would be one thing. But as you say, it is hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. Congressman Scott Perry, as always, the time flies by so fast, but we are always grateful for yours and look forward to talking with you often in 2017. In the meantime, stay well my friend, keep up the great work you do on Capitol Hill and come back to us again soon.
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