Reset Our Security

In fact, the only things that are actually being reset are the Kremlin’s offensive nuclear and conventional forces capabilities, and the penchant for threatening others that they make possible.

Nearly five years into the Obama presidency, it is no longer possible to avoid a stunning reality:  The world is a far more dangerous place for the United States and its vital interests than it was when Barack Obama came to office.  Worse yet, our capacity to deal with such dangers has been greatly diminished.

Perhaps most alarming is the degree to which these realities are being obscured by the President and his subordinates.  It amounts to national security fraud.

Take, for example, Team Obama’s insistence that it has “reset” relations with Russia.  In fact, the only things that are actually being reset are the Kremlin’s offensive nuclear and conventional forces capabilities, and the penchant for threatening others that they make possible.

End the fraud, Mr. President, and reset our security.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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