Richard Kemp: Stop vilifying Israel, go after Hamas

BILL WALTON, Managing Partner, Rappahannock Ventures, Chairman, Rush River Entertainment, former Leader, Donald Trump Transition Team, Host, The Bill Walton Show, Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute’s Center on Wealth, Poverty and Morality, @billwaltonshow
- Bill Walton reacts to the proposed John Lewis Voting Rights Act
- The U.S. Federal Reserve has been delving into various “social justice” initiatives
- Walton: In 20 years, most of the U.S. budget will go towards paying off the interest on government debts
GORDON CHANG, Contributor, Gatestone Institute, Newsweek, Author, “The Coming Collapse of China,” “Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes the World, “Losing South Korea,” and “The Great US-China Tech War,” @Gordongchang
- Gordon Chang comments on South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s upcoming trip to the U.S.
- North Korea Is China’s Weapon
- China’s role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
RICHARD KEMP, Infantry Battalion Commanding Officer (ret.), British Army, Author, “Attack State Red,” @ COLRICHARDKEMP
- Richard Kemp talks about Hamas’ tactics
- What role is the Palestinian National Authority playing in stoking tensions within Israel?
SAM FADDIS, former Clandestine Operations Officer, CIA, former Congressional Candidate, Editor,, Author, “Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA,” @RealSamFaddis
- Hamas Chooses Terror – Biden Chooses Hamas – “We have an administration that has come down firm on the side of a terrorist group”
- Sam Faddis: Hamas’s rockets are designed to kill average people on the street
- Yes, Dr. Fauci Lied To Rand Paul
- Securing America with Sam Faddis - October 26, 2023
- Robert Spencer: Many Afghan refugees were not vetted when they entered the United States - March 22, 2022
- John Mills: The Biden team always needs an ‘enemy’ to rally the country against - March 9, 2022