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with Claudia Rosett

CLAUDIA ROSETT, Journalist-in-Residence at The Foundation for Defense of Democracies:


  • North Korean opposition to the upcoming Sony Entertainment Comp. film, “The Interview”
  • The rising cyber warfare and nuclear capability of the Kim Jong-un regime
  • Is the United States underestimating North Korea and their ability to follow through on threats?


  • The U.S. backing away from sanctions on Iran while the Islamic Republic continues its illicit nuclear program
  • Iran’s reinforcement of its objective to annihilate Israel
  • Operation Cleaver and Iran’s ability to launch cyber attacks against the U.S. electrical grid


  • Is the Obama Administration trying to a cement a legacy through the Iranian nuclear negotiations?
  • Valerie Jarrett’s influence in dictating national security and foreign policy direction
  • The Chinese communist party in peril
  • China’s strategic interest in the U.S. economy despite their often anti-western global activity


  • Probability China will act militarily towards the U.S. and its allies in the Pacific
  • The Chinese Communist Party’s despotic quest for complete state control
  • Putin’s aggression amid toughening sanctions and worsening domestic economic conditions
  • The role the United Nations has played in the rise of a new hostile axis of nations
Secure Freedom Radio

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