In 2005, the Roosevelt Investment Group launched the Abacus Bull Moose Growth Fund (ABMGF) which became the world’s first mutual fund to adhere to the principles of “terror-free” investing whereby an investor chooses to divest from — or screen out of their portfolio — the stock of companies that do business in Iran, Libya, Syria, Sudan and/or North Korea.

The decision by ABMGF to avoid all companies with business activities in or with terrorist-sponsoring states was based on client interest in investing “terror-free” as well the advantage of avoiding companies that may be exposed to global security risk (i.e., risks associated with doing business in these countries).

Terror-Free Investing in Practice

Over 400 publicly traded companies have active business ties to countries that support terrorism.(1) In many cases, these companies provide important revenues, advanced equipment and technology as well as political cover to Iran, Syria, Sudan and other terrorist-sponsoring nations. These facts are leading many Americans to ask themselves: Why am I investing in companies whose corporate transactions benefit our enemies? A better question might be: Why is my mutual fund or financial advisor investing in such companies on my behalf?

To maintain its “Terror-Free” portfolio, the ABMGF works with Conflict Securities Advisory Group (CSAG). CSAG is a Washington, DC-based, independent, impartial research group that specializes in identifying and assessing more than 400 publicly traded companies with operations in U.S. State Department-designated terrorist sponsoring states.

CSAG has developed a multi-tiered certification process to ensure that the ABMGF excludes all companies that have business ties to terrorist-sponsoring states. Specifically, the fund has access to CSAG’s proprietary database to screen companies prior to acquiring their stock for the ABMGF. CSAG likewise receives real-time reports on any purchase made by the fund to ensure compliance and maintains an open communication line with ABMFG to discuss any issues that may arise regarding a prospective holding of the fund.

(Please note that the above description is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as an official endorsment of the Roosevelt Investment Group or the Abacus Bull Moose Growth Fund.)

Center for Security Policy

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