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Public Facilities Prepared for EMP Document

2019 EMP Equipment and Facilities Guide (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

Level 1

  1. Store two weeks of food, water, and other supplies for staff.
  2. Unplug power, data, and antenna lines from spare equipment where feasible.
  3. Turn off equipment that cannot be unplugged and is not actively being used.
  4. Use at least a lightning rated surge protection device (SPD) on power cords, antenna lines, and data cables; maintain spare SPDs.
  5. Maintain a battery operated AM/FM/NOAA radios to receive Emergency Alerts.

Level 2 

  1. Store one month of food, water, and other supplies for staff.
  2. Acquire and store spare radios, computers and other equipment in faraday bags or wrap in heavy duty aluminum foil.
  3. Use fiber optic cables (with no metal); otherwise use shielded cables, ferrites, and SPDs.
  4. Add an EMP rated surge protection device (SPD) in series with the lightning SPD on power cords, antenna lines, and data cables; maintain spare SPDs.
  5. Have either EMP protected backup power or a generation source that is not connected to the grid.

Level 3

  1. Exercise COOP/COG plans that involve the actual deployment and set up at alternate facilities.
  2. Store three months of food, water, and other supplies for staff.
  3. Acquire and store spare radios, computers and other equipment in faraday bags and locate the bags in faraday cages/cabinets.
  4. Use on-line/double-conversion uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) or a high quality line interactive UPS.