Securing America – Is the Russia-Ukraine war “winding down”?


With Chuck DeVore, Stephen Bryen and Jonathan Emord

CHUCK DEVORE, Vice President of National Initiatives, Texas Public Policy Foundation

  • How U.S. military “logistics capabilities” have declined since the Cold War
  • A history of the U.S.-Iranian relationship since the Obama administration
  • An increase in tensions between China and the Philippines

STEPHEN BRYEN, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy

  • Is the Russia-Ukraine war “winding down”?
  • What is Ukraine’s exit strategy in the war?
  • Will there be negotiations between Russia and Ukraine?

JONATHAN EMORD, Constitutional law attorney and author of The Authoritarians: Their Assault on Individual Liberty, the Constitution, and Free Enterprise from the 19th Century to the Present (2021)

  • How the World Health Organization may be taking away American sovereignty
  • Issues with “bureaucratized medicine”
  • Examples of lawmakers “rejecting the Constitution”
  • How the CCP’s relationship with the WHO could impact American medical information

Securing America TV

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