Securing America – Potential criminal activity by the Biden family

With Cheryl Chumley, Bill Marshall and Tyler O’Neil

CHERYL CHUMLEY, Author, “The Devil in DC,” Opinion Editor, The Washington Times, Twitter: @ckchumley

  • Is there going to be “election interference” in the 2024 presidential election?
  • What is the basis for the new case against Donald Trump?
  • What is the most persecuted religion around the world?

BILL MARSHALL, Senior Investigator, Judicial Watch

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. being denied Secret Service protection
  • Who is making the decision on providing Secret Service protection to RFK Jr.?
  • An update on investigations into potential criminal activity by the Biden family

TYLER O’NEIL, Managing Editor, The Daily Signal

  • A new “hate group” labeled by the Southern Poverty Law Center
  • Why does the SPLC have bank accounts in the Cayman Islands?
  • Has the federal government “teamed up” with the SPLC?
  • How the SPLC has “bolstered” their hate group list

Securing America TV

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