Securing America – Robert Spencer on the continuing rise of Al-Qaeda

With Robert Spencer, Jonathan Emord and Bill Walton

ROBERT SPENCER, Director, Jihad Watch, Weekly columnist, PJ Media and FrontPage Magazine, Author, “Mass Migration in Europe: A Model for the U.S.?,” and “Islamophobia and the Threat to Free Speech,” @jihadwatchRS

  • The continuing rise of Al-Qaeda
  • Ongoing issues resulting from the U.S. withdrawal fro Afghanistan

JONATHAN EMORD, A Constitutional law attorney and author of The Authoritarians: Their Assault on Individual Liberty, the Constitution, and Free Enterprise from the 19th Century to the Present (2021)

  • A new 15% minimum tax bill being considered in Congress

BILL WALTON, Host, The Bill Walton Show

  • Various instances of China trying to get insider information from the U.S. Federal Reserve
  • Americans unwittingly investing in the Chinese Communist Party

Securing America TV

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